Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Contextualising Welfare II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Contextualising Welfare II - Essay Example 5; Parr,  2014). Unfortunately, various instances of racial discrimination in the Barclays Premier League illustrate the prevalence of racial discrimination in the country (Cunningham,  2014). Although there are various anti-discriminatory legislations in the UK, their effectiveness is minimal in the workplace, education, and other social institutions (Sanghani,  2014). According to Wallis and Robb (2012), gender and racial or ethnical discriminations are rampant in the modern British workplace. The most affected by these forms of prejudice are ethnic women from minority groups. In a specific case in London, Lynn and Davey (2013) report that a letting agent refused a black tenant based on his racial affiliation. In the British community, social class plays a significant role in determining personal life success. In a study by Lucinda Platt (2005), the survey of individuals from minority groups in England and the Wales shows that parental social status is essential in predicting the educational and employability of the children. In a similar report by Johnson and Kossykh (2008), the same results were emphasized. For this reason, it is clear that social class is an imperative factor in affecting personal success in life. Sociological perspectives and theories offer the best explanation of the continued existence of discrimination in the UK society. According to the functionalists, discrimination plays an important role in establishing social inequality that promotes social coexistence. However, the conflicts theorists view the same as a class struggle where the wealth (majority Whites) oppress the poor (minority) to obtain more resources. On the other hand, the social interaction theories perceive prejudice as a social construction and interpretation aimed to achieve a specific objective for the majority. Nonetheless, the reality of gender and racial discrimination in the UK is the lack of commitment by the government and the people to end

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Evolution Of Management Theory

Evolution Of Management Theory Management has existed throughout the time of man. Management throughout the passing of time has evolved and segregated into different theories however the end game, remains the same that is to achieve a certain goal while working together as a team. There are various definitions to the term management. Lawrence Appely defines management as Management is the development of people and not the direction of things, management is personnel; administration (Agarwal, 2010, p.4). Whereas William Spreigel terms it as Management is that function of an enterprise which concerns itself with the direction and control of the various activities to attain the business objectives. Management is essentially an executive function; it deals particularly with the active direction of the human effort. (Agarwal, 2010, p.4). Management is the integrating force in all organized activity. The verb manage comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle especially tools), which in turn derives from the Latin manus (hand). The French word mesnagement (later mà ©nagement) influenced the development in meaning of the English word management in the 17th and 18th centuries. ( 2012. Management. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 December 12].) Management has been put to use throughout the history of mankind. Management like thought has been seen right from the building of the pyramids to emperor Ashoka conquering all of India or bharat as it was and still is known. Management is extremely important in the functioning of any task, or organisation in order for it to be successful. If there is a fault in the management it can lead to failure of the task or improper functioning of the company. It is difficult to trace the exact origins of management but one can see its evolution throughout time. In chronological order the very first piece of evidence of management theory can be seen in Chanakyas Arthashashtra, followed by Sun Tzus The Art of War, followed by Niccolà ² Machiavellis The Prince, followed by Adam Smiths The Wealth of Nations. The 19th century later gave rise to classical economists such as and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873 Adam Smith (1723-1790). These economists provided an academic background on resource-allocati on, production and pricing issues. Alternatively, visionaries like James Watt (1736-1819), Matthew Boulton (1728-1809) Eli Whitney (1765-1825), and developed fundamentals of procedural assembly such as standardization, quality-control procedures, cost-accounting, inter-changeability of parts, and work-planning. The first complete principles of management appeared around the year 1920. The Concept of Corporation (published in 1949) a well-known book that was written by Peter Drucker (1909-2005) was one of the earliest books on applied management. Science of management written by Henry R Towne was published in the 1890s, The Principles of Scientific Management conceptualized by Frederick Winslow Taylor was published in the year 1911, Applied motion study was published in the year 1917, which was written by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.J. Duncan wrote the first college management textbook in 1911. Yoichi Ueno was the first person to introduce taylorism to Japan in 1912 and he became the first management consultant of the Japanese-management style. Ichiro Ueno, his son pioneered Japanese quality assurance. As one can see from the above examples we know that management has been influenced by various disciplines such as economics, political science, psychology, anthropology and even literature. Earlier management theories aimed at getting to know these newcomers of the industrial life at the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century in Europe and the United States. THE CLASSICLAL OR UNIVERSAL SCHOOL The oldest form of the school of management of thought is the classical school. It dates, back to the twentieth century. The classical or universal thought deals with how to manage work organisations more effectively. There are three areas of management that can be classified under the classical school or universal school of thought. They are as follows- 1. Scientific management 2. Bureaucratic management 3. Administrative management The beliefs of the classical or universal school of thought- Fredrick Taylor was the founder of the classical school of thought. Earlier, the body of the classical school of thought implied that employees, have only psychical and economical needs, and that the concept of job-satisfaction was in fact alien to it. This school advocates high specialization of labour, centralized decision making, and profit maximization. The basic components compounded by Taylor for the scientific management school are as follows- Determination of standards of performance. Functional foremanship Responsibilities of management. Differential piecework of system of wage payment Mental revolution. Henri Fayol, and Max Weber are exceptional contributors of Classical School of management thought who made great contribution and laid the grounds for contemporary management. THE BEHAVIOURAL OR HUMAN RELATION SCHOOL The Hawthorne plant of Western Electric Company conducted experiments by Mayo,Roethlisberger and others for the first time on the human aspects of organizations in the 1930s. This approach had previously been ignored by the classical theorists. This school is dubbed as neo-classical as it follows the academic form of classical theory and emphasises the human element of management as a counterpoint in contrast to the impersonality of classical theory. These experiments led to the development of new premises. These premises were the motivation to work; morale and productivity are related to the social conditions among the workers and the supervisor, and not to the psychical conditions at work. Considerable contributions made by Kurt Lewin, Chris Argyris,Rensis Likert ,and Douglas McGregor have helped shaped this school for being whatever it is today. Abraham Maslow a renowned psychologist developed a very widely recognised hierarchy of needs. This is now known as Maslows hierarchy of needs. This is a concept of motivation based on the needs of every human being. His concept had three assumptions. They are- The needs of a human being are never truly satisfied. Human behaviour is purposeful and is motivated by the need for satisfaction. The needs of a human being can be classified according to a hierarchical structure of importance, from the lowest to highest. The above three premises prove that human beings need a motivation in order to get the job done. This theory has been highly useful for managers in order to help motivate their employees. THE MANAGEMENT SCIENCE OR QUANTITATIVE SCHOOL Mathematicians, physicists, and scientists came together in order to solve the problems caused by World War II. The key feature of this school is its use of mathematics and statistics to help in determining production and operation problems. This approach helps in solving technical rather than human behaviour problems. It comprises a diverse team of experts from whatever fields the problem being attacked calls for. The team members then analyse the problem and then make a mathematical representation of it. Therefore they would change some aspects of the equation to see what would happen in the real world. The most important contributions of management science are in the areas of operations management and production management. (Duening, 2003) THE CONTENGENCY/SITUATIONAL OR ALL DEPENDS SCHOOL The contingency school was birthed in the 1970s. As the very name suggests this school of thought is based on possibility. In this approach managers deal with each problem differently based on the situation and its belief lies in evaluating many options to solve one problem. This theory recognises that there is no one best way to design organisations and manage them. It weighs down the variables and then decides based on the varying factors as to what would be the best solution. This approach is highly dependent on the judgement of the manager in any given situation. It focuses on the inter-relationships within and among the subsystems as well as between the organisation and its environment. (Agarwal, 2010) For example-when taco bell asked itself what would ensure its success, they revamped their business based on the simple philosophies of customers value food, provision, and the aesthetic appeal of the restaurant. Taco bell then hired new managers who would ensure that their philosophies were put into action thereby ensuring their success. (Anon., n.d.) THE SYSTEM SCHOOL The system school of thought sees the organization as one whole purposeful and united body rather than seeing it in its different parts and pieces. Its early contributors include Lawerence J.Henderson,W.G.Scott, Daniel Katz, J.D Thompson, etc. This approach helps the managers to look at the broader picture. This school conveys to us that every single action done by any section of the company affects the other segments of the company in varying degrees. In this school managers make their decisions only after they have weighed down each and every single option as to if that decision has been taken, how it will affect the company. The managers cannot function based on their department alone; they must take the whole company into account. In order for them to run smoothly they must be in constant touch with the other departments of the company as well, so that they can base their decisions accordingly. CONCLUSION Management as one has seen above is under constant development. It always has more room for change for its own betterment. It has existed since time immemorial. The schools of thought are simply the different approaches that are used by any person, or organisation in order for it to achieve its goals. In this document there are 5 schools of thought that have been explained. They are the classical school, the human relations school, , the management science school, the contingency theory school. They are summarized as follows- The classical school- the classical school consist of three theories, namely. Scientific management, Bureaucratic management and Administrative management. The major purposes of the school were to develop the basic principles that could guide the design, creation and maintenance of large organisations and to identify the basic functions of managing organizations. (Duening, 2003) The behavioural school or human relation school- this school takes on a managerial approach as to how the role of people affects the success of the organisation. It also emphasises the structure of the organisation and work environment affects their behaviour and simply states that if the employees are kept in a good working environment then their productivity will increase, which in turn will lead to successful operations of the company. (Duening, 2003) The management science or quantitative school- this school gives us a mathematical representation of the problems that are faced. Therefore when one changes one of the factors in the equation one can anticipate what the result would be in the real world. Important contributions that were made were in the areas of production management and operations management. The contingency /situational or all depends school- this theory implies that every situation that a management faces is unique therefore it is left up to the managers discretion as to how h/she chooses to deal with it. This requires the manager to have a great deal of experience and good judgement. It also states that there is no one best way to deal with a problem. Instead it asserts the need to understand different problems and how to deal with them differently. The system school- the system school saw the organisation as a whole instead of dividing it into bits and pieces. This helped keep in mind the larger picture and that was the achievement of the companys goals rather than those of the individual departments.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Feminism in Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe Essay -- Femini

Feminism in Uncle Tom’s Cabin  Ã‚   While Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin overtly deals with the wrongs of slavery from a Christian standpoint, there is a subtle yet strong emphasis on the moral and physical strength of women. Eliza, Eva, Aunt Chloe, and Mrs. Shelby all exhibit remarkable power and understanding of good over evil in ways that most of the male characters in Stowe’s novel. Even Mrs. St. Claire, who is ill throughout most of the book, proves later that she was always physically in control of her actions, however immoral they were. This emotional strength, when compared with the strength of the male characters, shows a belief in women as equals to men (if not more so) uncommon to 19th century literature. In 1848, the first ever Women’s Rights convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. Though Stowe did not attend, many of those who were strong in the abolitionist movement, such as Fredrick Douglas and Amy Post, did. Thus a correlation was drawn between the abolitionist movement and women’s rights. Both fights were about equality, so naturally those who were supportive of emancipation were supportive of gender equality as well. Uncle Tom’s Cabin not only follows the life of Uncle Tom, spanning from the time he is sold from his longtime master until Tom’s death, but also follows the life of Eliza, another slave who lives on the Shelby plantation with Tom as the novel begins. But unl... ...Topsy, but help her repent as well, for Topsy later says, "I will try, I will try; I never did care nothin' about it before" (94). Uncle Tom’s Cabin contains almost as basic of a moral as any story could; love has no physical barriers. The goal of Stowe’s novel is to show that in terms of race. But at the same time Stowe shows it in terms of gender as well. By making the female characters more morally righteous than the male characters and displaying the women’s physical feats more overtly than the men’s, Stowe enables the audience to see a side of women relatively unseen in 19th century American culture. Works Cited Stowe, Harriet Beecher. "Uncle Tom’s Cabin." New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1927    Feminism in Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe Essay -- Femini Feminism in Uncle Tom’s Cabin  Ã‚   While Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin overtly deals with the wrongs of slavery from a Christian standpoint, there is a subtle yet strong emphasis on the moral and physical strength of women. Eliza, Eva, Aunt Chloe, and Mrs. Shelby all exhibit remarkable power and understanding of good over evil in ways that most of the male characters in Stowe’s novel. Even Mrs. St. Claire, who is ill throughout most of the book, proves later that she was always physically in control of her actions, however immoral they were. This emotional strength, when compared with the strength of the male characters, shows a belief in women as equals to men (if not more so) uncommon to 19th century literature. In 1848, the first ever Women’s Rights convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. Though Stowe did not attend, many of those who were strong in the abolitionist movement, such as Fredrick Douglas and Amy Post, did. Thus a correlation was drawn between the abolitionist movement and women’s rights. Both fights were about equality, so naturally those who were supportive of emancipation were supportive of gender equality as well. Uncle Tom’s Cabin not only follows the life of Uncle Tom, spanning from the time he is sold from his longtime master until Tom’s death, but also follows the life of Eliza, another slave who lives on the Shelby plantation with Tom as the novel begins. But unl... ...Topsy, but help her repent as well, for Topsy later says, "I will try, I will try; I never did care nothin' about it before" (94). Uncle Tom’s Cabin contains almost as basic of a moral as any story could; love has no physical barriers. The goal of Stowe’s novel is to show that in terms of race. But at the same time Stowe shows it in terms of gender as well. By making the female characters more morally righteous than the male characters and displaying the women’s physical feats more overtly than the men’s, Stowe enables the audience to see a side of women relatively unseen in 19th century American culture. Works Cited Stowe, Harriet Beecher. "Uncle Tom’s Cabin." New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1927   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pope Urban At Clermont

Pope urban II addressed the urgent need to act upon the Persians and their Napier private behavior. He explains the acts of the Persians and how gruesome they were towards t he empire. Curiously, I saw the ellipsis in the third paragraph and decided to look into the speech h further. The pope further describes the extreme violence the Persians enacted In detail. Pope urban II lets his people know that they need to take action and that Jerusalem belongs to the people of God and that the Persians do not rightfully deserve to own t e land.He makes the people believe that they really need to take action and as soon as possible. He was able to get them to chant â€Å"It Is the will of God, It Is the will of God. † and convinced the m that It was God who made them chant it in unison. He grabs the audience's attention and eke peps them interested enough to actually make them have a sense of pride and want to act or do whatever the Pope wants them to do. This Is extremely similar to c ontemporary politics. It has been done multiple times In the past decade alone.The Pope talks to the people of the empire salary to the way pres dent Bush spoke to people of the United States when going to war with Iraq. Both speakers (Pop e urban II and President Bush) were able to use specific home events to engage the people and make them feel a sense of togetherness as a whole. When President Bush spoke to the united SST dates, he was able to bring the minds and pride of Americans to join together and bring Justice. The e Pope also points out the â€Å"uncleanness† of the Persians; that the people of the empire are much higher than that of the Persians.He convinces them that It Is what is right, when truthfully, he has no Idea what could possible come of It. Similarly, President Barack Obama used a tactic like this when talking about the problems in the middle east. He convinces the public that it is in our best interest to I intervene with middle eastern issues. Pope Urb an II Is able to convince his followers that fighting the Persians is in the best benefit of the people of the empire. He uses Important events to help the people lists

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Benjamin Franklin the printer

Of the writing of books, there is no end (Ecclesiastes 12. 12b, New International Version) so the holy bible says and this is no more true than in the case of Benjamin Franklin the printer, a printer, politician, scientist and one of the founding fathers of the United states of America. As such, history writers have always depicted him – as with most other historical figures of note – as a larger than life figure.In this account, The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin by Gordon S.   Wood, Benjamin is portrayed as a normal human being with flaws like all other persons, one with lots of clashing views on accepted norms of the day and who always sought to improve himself not by striving against the odds but by remodeling himself as appropriate in order to ensure balance and order in his life and this attribute may be considered one that earns him the phrase â€Å"the man with many masks. † In this account, Gordon has tried to bring forth the true Benjamin as he is not depicted by most other writer.Though not very conclusive on his private life and affairs, it still does shed more light on the kind of man Benjamin was especially the principles of life that he held and how if circumstances demanded he would be flexible in his ways to achieve these life goals. Key among them was frugality and hard work which he preached to all who cared to listen and also practiced from an early age as can be seen by his apprenticeship and eventual elopement and setting up of his own printing press.Gordon as such then depicts Benjamin as most historians have; the virtuous man we have always been made to think Benjamin was. In the day and age when a father’s love was mostly to his first born son, Benjamin did not enjoy much attention from his father and this may have led to his character of not revealing much about who he really was and coming from a Puritanism family he also can have acquired the self enlightenment trait which caused him to have and ho ld his own opinion on almost every other norm of that day.In this way, Benjamin would be portrayed as an individual who driven by prior lack tries to right things so as to satisfy an emptiness within himself which is an aspect not seen in other works about him. Reading through the book for anyone not necessarily a fan of Benjamin Franklin or colonial history, this book stirs in one a deeper desire to get to know this man how he lived his life and how this impacted on life and politics of the day and future- our present generation. Not being a critic of Benjamin, Gordon merely pierces the veil on who Benjamin really was and this account written in real life can be considered a worth having book.Simple in plot and easy to follow plot, one is able to visualize Franklin as he was and also answer questions about him that are otherwise obscured in the mythological figure that he has been turned into. Raised in a lowly family of a soap and candle making father, Benjamin’s impoverish ed childhood and adolescence, stirred in him â€Å"an anger† with the wealthy for their seemingly easy life and mannerism, this in itself spurred his ambition to rise from a commoner into a gentleman so as to be able to pursue his other interests; social advocacy and science.The book gives an explanation about how this persona grew and why it grew. Franklin is seen as the man of his age who rose from a nobody, into a self-made â€Å"gentleman†, a leading diplomat and scientist revered by all especially in Europe where he served his diplomatic duties. Through sheer hard work, frugality in spending and cultivation of important friends, he was able to amass enough wealth by age 42 (in 1748) to retire from business and begin pursuing his other desires.It is during this period while pursuing one of his desires – serving the public good- that he was sent to England to represent the American colonies interests to the British that a transformation began to occur. Wood e xposes Benjamin as an ardent supporter of the Royal British Crown, who could not envisage an independent colony free of control from the king and who thought of the king as being wisdom itself and more humane than the parliament of the day.He cherished the thought of a unified â€Å"†¦glorious English empire†¦Ã¢â‚¬  but this began to change from 1765 when parliament imposed the stamp act, one which he strongly opposed, on the colonies. At home, Benjamin was seen to be part of it by recommending a friend as stamp distributor for Pennsylvania an action he quickly regretted and made him champion the repeal of the act – this act earned him repute at home but enemies in England – and opened his eyes to the colonies increasing resistance to crown control.It also reinforced his increasing discontent with England and marked the completion of his Americanization. He henceforth became a supporter of the revolution demanding independence from England. Back home in 177 5 after completing his tour in England, Franklin was appointed as ambassador of the American colony to France a country he had in his earlier years fought against during the seven year’s war. His handling of his country’s affairs in France: securing their support in the revolution war against England reveals his diplomatic and charming traits.He was able to make many friends and his reputation as a true American was more upheld by these new friends mostly the French who helped create the mythical figure we today know of Benjamin Franklin. This made Franklin indispensable to the success of the emerging young American nation in Europe. Woods shows that Franklin as an individual who could easily take a situation and use it to achieve his goals. In France, the French believing he was a Quaker, he played the part so well to continually reaffirm this held belief and thus to them he was a symbol of republican simplicity – an ends to a good in Franklins view.His Poor Ri chard’s Almanac was considered to true a moral philosophy by the French that they deemed him as a symbol of true democracy, an image they helped create and propagate and one still held by today’s America. Though wood does not elaborate on it, we may never know for sure if this was Franklin’s intention or just a happenstance that he just rode on to achieve his goals. On the issue of principle, Wood does depict Benjamin as a puritan who strongly upheld and advocated principle.He shows Franklin as an individual who was consistent in thought but also explores instances where due to circumstances around him, Franklin had to change his view even though his fundamental principles remained unchanged. This Wood has expertly brought out in a way that apart from showing Franklin’s strong and flexible character also reveals though just a bit, his ability to switch masks quickly and play the new role with perfection and zeal unimaginable.Finally, towards the end of hi s life, Franklin a former slaveholder despised and strongly fought against owning slaves preferring personal hard work as a source of satisfaction and thus helping change the view of social mobility and dignity of manual labor among the Americans later on after his death. Wood doesn’t claim to be exhaustive about Franklin in this account but does delve a lot into his professional life exposing the man we think we know in new light that most of us do not know but still seeming to revere him as a true American, indeed as â€Å"the first American†.Benjamin Franklin still remains difficult a subject to understand but his life does serve as a valuable teaching tool as well as a reference point for most of the political and day to day life of America, the symbol of true capitalism with its goods but minus its evils. An imperialist turned patriot, scientist, inventor, businessman, politician; Franklin still had a social and private life which is not well explored and explaine d as much in depth as his public life in this account.In conclusion, this account provides the reader with a true insight of who Benjamin Franklin was without all the mythical nature we have always been taught to believe of him. Room still exists for further exposition of Benjamin Franklin but this account can be considered to be among the best in demystifying Benjamin and exposing him as human and wrought with shortcomings which he did not allow to peg him down but used them to move on.He himself acknowledged his shortcomings and did not try to prove to be above or better than others but extolled the adherence to trying to live a principled life above all else. It is an interesting and enlightening read worth anyone interested in learning more about the founding fathers and colonial America. ? References Wood G. S. , (2004). The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin. New York, NY: penguin publishers

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Oration - Definition and Examples

Oration s An oration is a  speech delivered in a formal and dignified manner.  A skilled public speaker is known as an orator. The art of delivering speeches is called oratory. In classical rhetoric, notes  George A. Kennedy, orations were classified into a number of formal genres, each with a technical name and certain conventions of structure and content (Classical Rhetoric and Its Christian and Secular Tradition, 1999). The primary categories of orations in  classical rhetoric were  deliberative  (or political),  judicial  (or forensic), and  epideictic  (or ceremonial).   The term oration sometimes carries a negative connotation: any impassioned, pompous, or long-winded speech (Oxford English Dictionary). EtymologyFrom the Latin, plead, speak, pray Observations Clark Mills BrinkWhat, then, is an oration? An oration is an oral discourse on a worthy and dignified theme, adapted to the average hearer, and whose aim is to influence the will of that hearer. PlutarchIt is a thing of no great difficulty to raise objections against another mans oration, nay, it is a very easy matter; but to produce a better in its place is a work extremely troublesome. Paul Oskar KristellerIn classical antiquity, the oration was the very center of rhetorical theory and practice, though among the three types of speech- deliberative, judiciary, and epideictic- the last was to become the most important in the later centuries of antiquity. During the Middle Ages, the secular public speech and the political and social institutions supporting it disappeared more or less completely. Rhetorica Ad Herennium, c. 90 BCThe Introduction is the beginning of the discourse, and by it the hearers mind is prepared for attention. The Narration or Statement of Facts sets forth the events that have occurred or might have occurred. By means of the Division we make clear what matters are agreed upon and what are contested, and announce what points we intend to take up. Proof is the presentation of our arguments, together with their corroboration. Refutation is the destruction of our adversaries arguments. The Conclusion is the end of the discourse, formed in accordance with the principles of the Art. David Rosenwasser and Jill StephenIf you read or listen to (for example) political speeches, you will find that many of them follow this order. This is because the form of the classical oration is suited primarily to argument- to the kind of writing in which the writer makes a case for or against something and refutes opposing arguments. Don Paul Abbott[Throughout the Renaissance,] the oration remained fixed as the supreme form of discourse, just as it had been for the Romans. In the opinion of Walter Ong, the oration tyrannized over ideas of what expression as such- literary or other- was....It is no exaggeration to say that the rules of the classical oration were applied to every kind of discourse.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Revamp Your Resume Administrative Assistant

Revamp Your Resume Administrative Assistant Resume formats are as varied and individual as the people behind them. Your top priority  is to always make sure that your resume shows the best of you: your experience, your goals, your skills, your education, and anything else exceptional or essential you bring to the table.Check out this template from the folks at and see how you can add your individual stamp to your CV for administrative assistant positions.YOUR FULL NAME  Your mailing addressYour phone numbersYour email addressObjective(Optional; may not be necessary if youre responding to a job posting.)Example 1: Seeking a position as an administrative assistant in a busy environment.Example 2: Administrative assistant position in a professional company.Example 3: To secure the position of administrative assistant in an established company.Profile Statement(This is particularly useful if they havent requested a cover letter or theres no place to upload one.)Example 1: A number of years experience as an administrative assistant in a fast paced, professional environment.  Proven computer skills with good working knowledge of different computer applications.  An independent worker who is able to multi-task and meet deadlines efficiently and accurately.  Strong problem-solving skills and initiative evident in the implementation of efficient data management systems.Example 2: A proven record of efficiency in establishing, organizing, and managing office procedures. Proficient in a wide range of computer applications. Solid bookkeeping skills, excellent scheduling skills, and a strong background in customer relations. Recognized for the ability to manage multiple tasks and projects and successfully meet deadlines. A self-directed worker who enjoys a fast-paced work environment.Example 3: Outstanding office skills and knowledge of office management procedures. Provided administrative and secretarial support to a large department, managed a number of simultaneous projects, and me t deadlines consistently and accurately. An independent worker recognized for a proactive approach to problem solving. Proven experience in a demanding work environment dealing successfully with competing needs and different challenges.Work ExperienceAdministrative Assistant,  Premier Pharmaceuticals, Houston, TX;  January 2012 presentProvide full secretarial and administrative support to the 10-person sales departmentManage customer requests for information prepare departmental correspondence, documents, reports, presentationsSchedule and coordinate meetings and appointmentsDraw up and distribute minutes of meetingsPlan and arrange travel itineraries organize functions and eventsTrack expense claims and prepare expense reportsSet up and maintain customer data management systemsAdministrative Co-ordinator,  Buckleys Property Management Company, Houston, TX;  August 2008 November 2012Provided full range of secretarial and administrative support to the Managing Director plus 5 employeesScheduled meetings, appointments and property viewingsCoordinated company events and functionsHandled incoming calls and correspondencePrepared correspondence, documents, newslettersLiaised directly with maintenance contractors, clients, tenantsProcessed invoices and prepared paymentsEducationDallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX,  Bachelor of Arts 2008Technical SkillsMS Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, AccessTyping skills (include WPM rate if known)Excellent spelling and grammar skillsCore CompetenciesOrganizational and planning skillsCommunication skillsInformation gathering and management decision-makingProblem-solvingFlexibilityReliabilityTeamworkNotice this template is heavy on bulleted lists. For visual variety, one option Id recommend is choosing a paragraph format for either the position descriptions or the core competencies section.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mayflower Compact of 1620

Mayflower Compact of 1620 The Mayflower Compact is often cited as one of the foundations of the U.S. Constitution. This document was the initial governing document for the Plymouth Colony. It was signed on November 11, 1620, while the settlers were still aboard the Mayflower before they disembarked at Provincetown Harbor. However, the story of the creation of the Mayflower Compact begins with the Pilgrims in England. Who the Pilgrims Were Pilgrims were separatists from the Anglican Church in England. They were Protestants who did not recognize the authority of the Anglican Church and formed their own Puritan church. To escape persecution and potential  imprisonment, they fled England for Holland in 1607 and settled in the town of Leiden. Here they lived for 11 or 12 years before deciding to create their own colony in the New World. To raise money for the enterprise, they received a land patent from the Virginia Company and created their own joint-stock company. The Pilgrims returned to Southampton in England before sailing for the New World. Aboard the Mayflower The Pilgrims left aboard their ship, the  Mayflower, in 1620. There were 102 men, women, and children aboard as well as some non-puritan settlers, including  John Alden and Miles Standish. The ship was headed for Virginia but got blown off course, so the Pilgrims decided to found their colony in Cape Cod in what would later become the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They called the colony Plymouth after the harbor in England from which they departed for the New World. Since the new location for their colony was outside the areas claimed by the two chartered joint-stock companies, the Pilgrims considered themselves independent and created their own government under the Mayflower Compact. Creating the Mayflower Compact In basic terms, the Mayflower Compact was a social contract whereby the 41men who signed it agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of the new government in order to ensure civil order and their own survival. Having been forced by storms to anchor off the coast of what is now Cape Cod, Massachusetts, rather than the intended destination of the Colony of Virginia, many of the Pilgrims felt it unwise to continue with their stores of food quickly running out. Coming to grips with the reality that they would not be able to settle in the contractually-agreed-to Virginia territory, they â€Å"would use their own liberty; for none had the power to command them.† To accomplish this, the Pilgrims voted to establish their own government in the form of the Mayflower Compact. Having lived in the Dutch Republic city of Leiden before beginning their journey, the Pilgrims considered the Compact to be similar to the civil covenant that had served as the basis for their congregation in Leiden. In creating the Compact, the Pilgrim leaders drew from the â€Å"majoritarian model† of government, which assumes that women and children cannot vote, and their allegiance to the King of England. Unfortunately, the original Mayflower Compact document has been lost. However, William Bradford included a transcription of the document in his book, Of Plymouth Plantation. In part, his transcription states: Having undertaken, for the Glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith and Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the First Colony in the Northern Parts of Virginia, do by these present solemnly and mutually in the presence of God and one of another, Covenant and Combine ourselves together into a Civil Body Politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. Significance The Mayflower Compact was the foundational document for the Plymouth Colony. It was a covenant whereby the settlers subordinated their rights to follow laws passed by the government to ensure protection and survival.   In 1802, John Quincy Adams called the Mayflower Compact â€Å"the only instance in human history of that positive, original, social compact.† Today, it is generally accepted as having influenced the nation’s Founding Fathers as they created the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Learning and development in the workplace Essay

Learning and development in the workplace - Essay Example It has become a collaborated effort between the employer and the employee where they go through the learning process together so as to maximise the effects of the existing skills and competences. This paper will consider some flexible learning strategies that enhance the concept of workplace learning and development with short case studies as examples. Personal Development Plan Personal planning is approached by people differently based on the differences that individuals exhibit. Personal planning requires a great deal of individual effort for it to be effective. Not many people in the workplaces pay attention to developing personal plans despite being aware of their immense benefit toward personal development. In the workplace many employees feel that in developing a personal plan they are just but showing what the employer wants to see and term it as hypocritical or fail to see its value. Other employees who understand the benefits tend to take it pretty seriously. Personal develo pment plans are actually the efforts that one put in place aiming at tracking their education and performance paths. These plans assist an employee in developing their career path better. This plan includes events and benchmarks along a career path which may be long or short term depending on the goals to be achieved therein (Makinson 2001). This development plan usually encompasses learning as one works towards set goals and objectives. Personally I take a Personal Development Plan as an avenue through which am able to know myself better. A plan streamlines daily activities and compresses them within a specified timeframe. As such personal discipline is cultivated which enables one to easily surpass their initial targets on performance or even learning. PDP allows one to uncover their underlying strengths and weaknesses which in the past acted as major hindrances to efficiency and general performance at work (Rughani 2001). Personal development plans offer one a chance to evaluate performance in relation to the set targets. When this is done an individual employee is able to engage in corrective measures that include further training, acquiring of new skills while developing existing ones and acquisition of more knowledge and competence to perform various tasks at the workplace. A PDP outlines the timeframe within which achievements are to be made. As such one is able to know with certainty how far they have gone with the plan, how effective it has been and the timeframe left together with what remains pending (Cottrell 2003). This way an individual is able to analyse clearly the skills, knowledge and competences they have acquired and compare this with the set targets. One of the most important benefits of the PDP is the realisation of the skills and knowledge needed to attain unachieved objectives which in turn make an employee to develop themselves towards their attainment (Clifford & Thorpe 2007). Use of PDP is a sure way of identifying how one is learnin g and whether this process is bearing any fruits. It does that by offering evidence that is vital in analysing the required knowledge and skills in ultimately achieving particular objectives. This brings in the need for goals to follow the SMART model which stipulates that goals have to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based (Cottrell 2003). An individual following a laid out PDP needs to constantly evaluate the viability of their goals in respect to the elements of this model as failure to do so

Friday, October 18, 2019

Infant Observation Research Paper (The Infant Care Environment,

Infant Observation (The Infant Care Environment, Developmental Milestones) - Research Paper Example Under the song/rhyme activity (words to rhymes or songs), children are exposed to the cat and the own, Little Bunny Fu, Fu; Look at the Doggie at the window; Three birds and one fish, two fish, three and four fish. Under the language development activity, children learn pat the cat, the bunny hops, the doggy barking, this is the way the bird flies, and the fish swim. The activity on exercise/stimulation features tummy time boost, push the feet, roll over, jingle feet, and the gentle stretch. For the activity today’s music, children are taken through lullabies, soft rock music, easy listening music, classical music, and country music. During the massage time, children are massaged on the forehead, on the forehead and cheek, the eyebrows, the shoulders and the chin and ears. During playtime, children are taken through the cat is up and down, bunny hoping, doggie to the right and left, bird say tweet, tweet and the gold fish. For fun activities, children are taken through copy me , I love to dance, shake the rattle, and flashlight fun (Forman & Hall, 2005). Children of ages: 9 to 15 months: program range This program offers the infants with a fun-filled learning experience. The program offers heuristic play items, blended in preschool themes and inspired by a touch of Montessori. The lessons are grouped into weekly packages, all including group time exercises, sign language lessons (five taught in a month), language development exercises, words to rhymes and songs; and fun-filled learning exercises. 3. The room’s painting is based on a simple color scheme. Furniture are arranged in a manner that large, open spaces are available for activity sessions and smaller, containing spaces are available, which are best for social interactions and group work. On the floor were 4 by 4 feet rugs, which are used as leaning areas for the infants. Spaces are left for large block plays, book areas, and stacking and nesting play toys. Child-safe mirrors are useful to children and they also improve the supervision of the two caregivers (Moreno & Klute, 2011). Different rugs and large pillows, which offer protection when children fall, were also available. The larger pillows are placed at the spaces for older infants, as they can interfere with the sitting and crawling of younger infants. The shelves are low, as they are used as the display area for different toys. The toys are changed after every two days, to ensure that children remain interested and learning. The children’s baby-beds are personalized by the teacher, adding mobiles above different cribs. Others had homey touches, and a family photo, to bring familiarity to the spaces. The furniture at the infant center are low

ACCOUNTING PROJECT Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ACCOUNTING PROJECT - Term Paper Example Machine rate is the summation of fixed, operating, and labor costs. The costs of operating the machines and the labor utilized in the production runs keep on fluctuating (Nobles et al., 162). The relationship between machine hours and total costs is positive since the coefficient of X is a positive value (+0.0173). However, the relationship is weak since the value of R2 is 0.24642 that is evidently between 0.0 and 0.25. The costs of running the machines are +0.0173 (number of machine hours) and a fixed cost of +2747.7. As the number of machine hors increases, total costs increase due to additional costs such as maintenance and depreciation expenses. In production, total cost is a summation of marginal costs and fixed cost. Normally, total costs increase as more units are produced up to a certain point where maximum productivity is attained (Nobles et al., 96). Total costs and units produced have a have a positive relationship (coefficient of X is +0.0178). The relationship is fair since the value of R2 is +0.33713. Total costs and units produced vary in most cases due to changes in efficiency of machines and factory

The Allocation Problem session long project 4 (walmart) accounting Essay

The Allocation Problem session long project 4 (walmart) accounting - Essay Example The company allocates its administrative expenses to all the divisions and these common costs are used in this analysis. From the annual report of Wal-Mart, the incomes from various divisions are gathered. The administrative expenses are then allocated to each division. The allocation depends on a number of factors including the scale of operations in the division, number of stores operating in the division and the revenue generated (Wal-Mart Financial Review). The incomes from various divisions are presented below: The above report indicates that the Wal-Mart U S has the highest profit margin standing at 7.5 % ($ 19522 million / $ 258,229 million). However the International division has a low profit margin at 5 %. These performances are based on the incomes generated after taking the common costs into account. In order to identify the actual performance of the various divisions, the report is recast without taking the common costs into consideration. The recast report above without the unallocated common costs (administrative expenses, in this case) reveals that the International division contributes significantly towards the total income and towards covering the common costs. It is a known fact that the administrative expenses are hard to predict and are very unstable in large organizations. Hence the above report without the administrative expenses can be used to predict or estimate future performance of the divisions. Thus the common costs (in this case, the advertising expenses) are analyzed for Wal-Mart. The recast report with the unallocated costs reveals a number of facts about the profitability, thus giving a clear picture of the performance of the various divisions. This information without the allocated common costs can be useful in analyzing the contribution of the division to the company as a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Compare and contrast Peattie and Ching's position vis-a-vis the Essay

Compare and contrast Peattie and Ching's position vis-a-vis the idea of Japanese colonialism as an "anomaly." - Essay Example Ching focus on the anomaly from the point of view of the struggle Japanese colonies endured in changing their identity to become Japanese, hence the book title â€Å"becoming Japanese.† The book reveals the much tension and challenges involved in the formation and shift of colonial identities (Ching 19). For instance, Japanese colony, Taiwan, expresses multiple forms of national and cultural identifications; Chinese nationalist, Japanese culture, as well as, its own heterogeneous political and cultural practices. Becoming Japanese is a bridge of history and literature that brings out the anomaly in Japanese colonialism. On the other hand, Peattie focus on Japanese colonialism anomaly in their book, The Japanese Colonial Empire, as the source and evolution of the modern empire. In this book, Japanese colonies such as Korea, Karafuto, and Taiwan are termed as an empire that is governed collectively (Peattie 51). It goes further to illustrate the policies and systems that governed it, as well as, the economic dynamics that encouraged it. According to Peattie, Japanese colonialism in context of modern empire that runs from 1895 to 1945 is by itself an anomaly in colonialism (23). In conclusion, it is clear that Japanese way of colonizing is different and exceedingly unique in comparison to western colonialism. Either from ching’s way of thinking or Peattie’s, Japanese colonialism is a global phenomenon, hence colonialism

Symbolism (answer the questions) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Symbolism (answer the questions) - Assignment Example Certain sports teams have different logos and team colors and generally, when seeing that code, people know what team is being discussed in the media, regardless of the sport and even on different levels such as professional or college. The infamous # (hash tag) is becoming more popular as a symbol in media. It represents a trending topic on social media and where stories on Twitter or Facebook might be found which relate to a topic that might be discussed on television or even in a magazine. A pink ribbon is a code symbol for breast cancer awareness. A yellow ribbon is a code to bring soldiers back home. There really are symbols everywhere which point to American culture and when we see them, we recognize them pretty quickly. 2. In my environment, I recognize the symbols on college campuses of different athletic teams or sororities and fraternities. I know that logos are a major part of symbols which are used in the environment around us. Since I am a member of social media, I commonly will go to webpages online and see symbols for other social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Youtube and know that I can share information there or even find more information on a certain topic there. Television stations have their own symbols. NBC is obviously a peacock and when a show is on, the symbol pops up so that people know they are watching that television network. I notice crosses which are representative of a religious group. I know that I have been around people who display the Confederate flag which sometimes correlates with racism. Naturally, I have noticed that many people wear clothing with certain labels on them which stereotype them or give them a certain status. It is common to see pe ople in UnderArmour clothing and the brand is labeled with a unique symbol and Victoria’s Secret line for girls often has PINK written on it so many people know that it’s a Victoria’s Secret item. The clothing appeals to a certain status. 3.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Compare and contrast Peattie and Ching's position vis-a-vis the Essay

Compare and contrast Peattie and Ching's position vis-a-vis the idea of Japanese colonialism as an "anomaly." - Essay Example Ching focus on the anomaly from the point of view of the struggle Japanese colonies endured in changing their identity to become Japanese, hence the book title â€Å"becoming Japanese.† The book reveals the much tension and challenges involved in the formation and shift of colonial identities (Ching 19). For instance, Japanese colony, Taiwan, expresses multiple forms of national and cultural identifications; Chinese nationalist, Japanese culture, as well as, its own heterogeneous political and cultural practices. Becoming Japanese is a bridge of history and literature that brings out the anomaly in Japanese colonialism. On the other hand, Peattie focus on Japanese colonialism anomaly in their book, The Japanese Colonial Empire, as the source and evolution of the modern empire. In this book, Japanese colonies such as Korea, Karafuto, and Taiwan are termed as an empire that is governed collectively (Peattie 51). It goes further to illustrate the policies and systems that governed it, as well as, the economic dynamics that encouraged it. According to Peattie, Japanese colonialism in context of modern empire that runs from 1895 to 1945 is by itself an anomaly in colonialism (23). In conclusion, it is clear that Japanese way of colonizing is different and exceedingly unique in comparison to western colonialism. Either from ching’s way of thinking or Peattie’s, Japanese colonialism is a global phenomenon, hence colonialism

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is South African fiscal and monetary policy complementary Essay

Is South African fiscal and monetary policy complementary - Essay Example The fiscal components that fiscal policies aim to control include physical properties and capital flow. On the other hand, monetary policy is action or decision by a monetary authority to influence the interest rate and exchange rate in an effort to foster economic growth (Mbwoweni 2003). This paper undertakes an analysis of whether the fiscal policies in South Africa have complementary effects. In the analysis, the paper uses the actual monetary and fiscal policy that has been in this country from 2002 to date. Fiscal policy South African fiscal policy Government of South Africa has undertaken several fiscal policy adjustments since the end of apartheid. This is because of changes in economic situations in the country and the need of the country to foster economic development. ... South Africa has been affected greatly by globalization. Since the end of Apartheid, its trade with other countries has been increasing almost annually. The political and economic environments of the trading partners of South Africa differ significantly from those of South Africa. This difference has been affecting this country’s economy greatly in the past ten years. As a result, the fiscal policy of this country has been influenced by both domestic and international factors in the period after 2002. The domestic factors that affect the fiscal policy of this country include the economic problems that this country experiences. International factors that affect this country are both the economic situation in other countries and the economic problem experienced in the world market. In the adjustment of fiscal policy, the government of this country has to consider these two categories of factors. South Africa’s fiscal policy has several dimensions. The dimensions are ident ified as very essential components of the policy. This is because they are the ones that dictate the kind action taken by the policy in its effort to achieve economic growth and sustainability. Major dimensions of the fiscal policy of this country include taxation levels, individual and government spending, fiscal relations, and debt and interest costs (Jooste, Liu, & Naraidoo 2012). These dimensions control the fiscal components of an economy either directly or indirectly. As a result, they influence the economic activities that relate to the fiscal components of this country’s economy. This plays a very significant role on controlling the economy and enhancing sustainability of economic growth. Roles

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Overpowering Nature of Nurture

The Overpowering Nature of Nurture Our first impressions are generated by our experiences and our environment, which means that we can change our first impressions by changing the experiences that comprise those impressions. (Gladwell, 2005, p.97). We are, to a certain extent, the person we are, but the reality is that for reasons unknown to us, there are just certain people with which we do not click. It may be ground into our genes or it may have been structured into our thoughts and beliefs by the environment. The same goes for our own first impressions. We are naturally going to look a certain way or have a certain talent that gets peoples attention, but we still have the ability to change, at least partially, the first impression we show other people. There is no doubt that genetics determine a part of who we are as individuals, but nature is not the key component when considering who we become, since, as humans, we, through our social experiences and moral development, are constantly being shaped by the world in which we are surrounded. Every person is born into this world an individual and it is those initial seconds and minutes after we are born that show the importance nature. Jensen (2005) states, All humans are unique because of both prenatal differences and postnatal experiences (p.113). Our prenatal differences are significant because they determine our genes and the way our brain and body form. For example, both my parents have blue eyes and I also have blue eyes. I was also not born with any diseases or addictions because my mother took good care of her body when she was pregnant with me. My dad and my siblings have been diagnosed with ADD in the last couple years. While I have not been diagnosed, I do believe that I have it as well, at least at a minimal level or at a level Ive learned to control naturally over the years. All of these factors are things that I have no control over; they are what nature has put together for me in my biological make-up. Another biological factor that many people consider is intelligence. According to Gladwell (2008), some people are born with a high level of analytical intelligence which is the type of intelligence measured by I.Q. tests. Oddly, enough, intelligence has a threshold (Gladwell, 2008, p.80). Therefore, despite the amount of intelligence a person is born with, the rest of that persons intelligence, the intelligence that allows us have things like street smarts, is actually learned; it is at this point that the value of nurture comes into play. Nurture is critical when considering the person we each become. After all, our moral development and social experiences are interlinked and both impact the way things turn out for us and various points in our lives. According to Carol Gilligan and Lawrence Kohlberg, moral development happens in a variety of stages. The stage someone actually progresses to will then vary depending on the experiences and opportunities provided. Kohlbergs Theory of Moral Development has six stages and I feel that I am currently between level three and five on his scale, probably depending on the situation (Crain, 1985). In terms of the Heinz dilemma, I agree that the wife should be saved even if it means going against the law to do it. I also know that if I were the druggist, I would not want the death of the wife on my conscious, knowing I could save her. The theory Carol Gilligan created involves three stages, of which I feel I have, in most situations, progressed to the final stage of post-convention al (Hurst, 2013). Interestingly enough, I would credit my higher level of morality to a combination of a religious upbringing, a traditional family life, having to endure the death of my mom, and a sound confidence in myself. It is these social experiences that have helped me understand that while it is important for me to take care of myself, it is also important to consider the needs of others. This understanding of ones own moral development is a contributing factor for the level of success a person can achieve in addition to their social experiences. Malcolm Gladwell emphasizes the influence of an individuals social experiences and upbringing or cultural environments; he states, the values of the world we inhabit and the people we surround ourselves with have a profound effect on who we are and shape the patterns of our achievement in ways we cannot begin to imagine (2008, p.11, 19). My level of responsibility for myself and my family, the supportive environment of friends and family I possessed growing up, and the way I was taught to handle various situations have all affected me in where Ive ended up and how I am today. In agreement with Gladwell (2008), Trish Nicholls, who studied the theories of Lev Vygotsky, states, Culture provides the basic orientations that stucture the behavioural environment of the self (1998, par.10). I am lucky enough to say that I do feel successful at this point in my life, but without the culture I was and am currently surrounded by, I dont believe I would have been able to achieve what I have so far. For example, if my parents did not value higher education and travel, and were not veterans, my years after high school may have been significantly different. I would not have had college paid for by the government and I may not have chosen to spend the money I made working traveling. Without the travel opportunities presented to me at my university, I would not value the things I have or see the world with a global perspective. I also would probably not have as much drive to improve our education system because I wouldnt have had any recognition of how it could be better or what else exists in the world. Vygotsky discusses a zone of proximal development that describes each person as having the potential for greatness, but he also emphasizes why scaffolding and our environment ar e so critical in helping a person become great (Nicholls, 1998). All in all, our social experiences and the nurturing that takes place in our life do affect who we become. It is commonly known that life and who a person becomes is the product of the decisions and path taken along the way. Gladwell (2008) describes successful people in the following way, It is not the brightest who succeed [nature]à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Nor is success simply the sum of the decisions and efforts we make on our own behalf. It is, rather, a gift. Outliers are those who have been given opportunities-and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them [nurture] (p.267). A large part of the decisions a person makes in their life relates directly to his/her moral development and the experiences he/she has. The reality, though, is that talent, a high I.Q. or the presentation of fantastic opportunities is simply not enough; people must take a combination of everything they are given and use what they know to perfect their first impression of who they really are. After all, we only have one first impression to give. References Crain, W. C. (1985). Theories of Development (pp. 118-136). N.p.: Prentice-Hall. Retrieved from Gladwell, M. (2005). Blink. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company. Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers. New York, NY: Back Bay Books. Hurst, M. (2013). Carol gilligans theory of moral development. In Education Portal. Retrieved March 20, 2014, from Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the brain in mind (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Nicholl, T. (1998). Vygotsky. In Mathematics education: Constructivism: Vygotsky and the internet. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Music As Therapy Essay -- Psychology Music

Music As Therapy There was never a question in my mind that music possesses a strong element to help people. It has always been a stress reliever in my life. There is research that supports the belief that music is an instrumental part or impact on a wider realm of physical and mental disorders or disabilities. Music is known to set the mood or atmosphere for all types of situations. There is extensive research completed on this subject. Just take a look around. When you look at a movie it is filled with just the right music at the right time to convey the way the writer/ director wants you to feel. Call any major corporation for customer service assistance and you will here hold music to make you feel less tense and patient. This usually has an adverse affect because we know what they’re trying to do. Music Therapy is the prescribed use of music and musical interventions to restore, maintain, and improve emotional, physical, physiological, and spiritual health and well-being. These are the key elements which define interventions as music therapy. Music Therapy is goal oriented and provides a system to work towards a specific therapeutic goal and objective. Goals identified can include communicative, academic, motor emotional and social skills. In the end the music development learned in the sessions hopefully have a relaxing, positive effect on the client’s physical, psychological and socio-economical functioning. Music Therapy became a profession in 1950 with the establishment of the National Association for Music Therapy and the American Association for Music Therapy Association. (AMTA) There were nonmusical goals set for the professional setting. â€Å"They included: improving communication skills, decreasing inappropriate ... that music is powerful medicine. It has a great affect on tearing down the walls of silence and affliction of Alzheimer’s, depression, injuries, healing. And did you know that kids, who study the arts, do an average of forty points higher in math and science? Music education is superior to even computer instruction in enhancing early childhood mental capacity and special intelligence. Music therapists prove every single day that music is powerful medicine. (Richards Institute of Education and Research) Music is Magic. Works Cited American Music Therapy Association http://www.musictherapy.ort/faqs.html Holistic-Online Richards Institute of Education and Research War child

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The American Within :: essays research papers

The American Within! Many people believe that if you were born in a certain country you will be forever labeled as a citizen of that country for the rest of your natural born life. We as humans should be able to express ourselves freely without the risk of being harmed. Americans are not necessarily born they are created at heart. Unlike many other countries, America has established a separation between church and state to give everyone the choice of what they want to do with their life. I believe an American should take advantage of what the country has to offer, benefit the country in a way you see fit, and also follow the guidelines that has been set forth by our founding fathers. America is known for their unlimited opportunities, and these opportunities were meant to be taken advantage of by the American citizens. Citizens are given many freedoms other third world countries do not even consider releasing to the public. In most cases, countries outside the United States have governments that take action on those who choose to speak freely or participate in a different religion. Freedoms such as freedom of religion, free speech, the right to assemble, etc. are all characteristics of an average American. If someone doesn't have the right to perform any of those just listed then they are obviously not an American. All of these freedoms and rights are not only allowed, but they are strongly encouraged. It is what this country fought so long and hard for. Normally, people who were not born in America come here for the labor. People of America are raised to get an education and a job, and to find some way to benefit the country. That's how America is economically and financially supported. Taxes are what keeps our country on its' feet. You are morally and legally obligated to pay these fees issued to you by the government. If you don't pay your taxes you're not supporting the country that gave you liberty and justice, and by not paying taxes your just committing a selfish act. We would not be here today if everyone in America did whatever benefited themselves. Everyone in this country puts together what they can to improve their country, we are united! Hence the name United States. Like any other country, the government is what keeps everything in place. The government is not there to make your life miserable, at least not in America.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Kidney Stone Formation Due to Patients’ Lifestyle

EPI 602 INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH RESEARCH Research Proposal RESEARCH PROPOSAL | PART A STATEMENT OF PROBLEM, RELEVANCE & FIELD APPLICATION The kidney is an amazing organ. It makes urine and helps to control your blood pressure. It also keeps your bones strong and healthy, and controls manufacture of red blood cells. However, this organ is challenged with many diseases and complications. Thus, my Research Project is based on one of the most common problem: S KIDNEY STONE FORMATION A RESULT OF PATIENTS’ LIFE STYLEThere has been an increase in the number of kidney stone cases at Diagnostic & Specialist Medical Centre [DSM Centre, 2 Lodhia Street, Nadi Town] recently. Based on the records for the Year 2012, a tremendous increase in the number of new cases diagnosed with kidney stones was noted. Kidney Stones are increasingly becoming common health condition at DSM Centre Clinic. Therefore, this Research Project seeks to find out if kidney stone formation is just a medical complicati on or a result of patients’ lifestyle.Over a million people worldwide are diagnosed with Kidney Stones every year . . . PAGE 1 RESEARCH PROPOSAL | PART A STATEMENT OF PROBLEM, RELEVANCE & FIELD APPLICATION WHERE IS THE PROBLEM OCCURING? Kidney Stone Disease is a worldwide phenomenon. For this project however, my research is based on patients attending DSM Centre, Nadi. WHO IS AFFECTED BY THE PROBLEM? Generally both genders and all age groups are affected. My sampling will be constrained on patients attending DSM Centre, aged 30 – 50 years.Upon completion, this research project will reveal, whether lifestyle of patients [aged 30 – 50 years visiting DSM Centre] contributes to kidney stone formation. WHAT SOLUTIONS HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT TO ERADICATE THE PROBLEM? WERE THEY SUCCESSFUL? Patient education and awareness programs in health centres and hospitals are implemented to inform the public about the condition and its consequences. However, with the increasing num ber of cases, indicates that these methods have not been as successful as intended.Through this research, numeric data will be obtained and analyzed to validate the above statement. RELEVANCE OF THE PROBLEM TO NATIONAL OR LOCAL ACTIVITIES: This research is relevant to the Programs administered by the Kidney Foundation of Fiji, who continue to raise public awareness aganist kidney diseases. The revelations from this project will substantiate their worthy cause. Never before Kidney Research has been so important! PAGE 2 RESEARCH PROPOSAL | PART A STATEMENT OF PROBLEM, RELEVANCE & FIELD APPLICATION FIELD APPLICATION OF THE PROPOSED RESULTSThe research result can be used in further awareness programs with evidences and recent figures relating to kidney stone formations and their causes. VARIOUS METHODS OF AWARENESS PROGRAMS CAN BE USED SUCH AS; KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF FIJI JOURNAL CLUB MEETINGS Results from this research can be sent to Kidney Foundation of Fiji in support of their awarenes s programs. DSM CENTRE WEBSITE Presentation of this research paper in Journal Club meetings will encourage medical professionals within the vicinity to join in the awareness program.MEDICAL CONFERENCES The entire research document can be uploaded on DSM Website for online readers. DSM NEWSLETTER Presentation of this research paper in Medical Conferences will encourage medical team nationally to participate in the awareness program. JOURNALS Publishing this research paper in form of an article in the DSM Newsletter â€Å"Your Doctor† will serve as introductory information to patients. POSTERS & BROCHURES Publishing this research paper in form of an article will provide first hand information to readers, thus creating awareness.SOCIAL HUB The results can be tabulated and diagrammatically illustrated in posters and brochures placed in the waiting area of the clinics and hospitals for patient awareness. With tremendously revolutionizing digital world, Facebook pages and Twitter l inks can be created for this research paper to obtain maximum audience and hence awareness. New era . . . new challenges . . . new approach! PAGE 3 A Research on Patients’ Lifestyle Robin Rohnil Kumar S019059 | BMIS – DFL College of Medicine & Health Sciences Fiji National University

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The answer to whether Beowulf

The answer to whether Beowulf is sophisticated or crude lies in establishing its historical origins. Therefore, it is important to examine the author, perhaps more so than the text. However, an examination of both reveals that author and text are anything but crude. Beowulf, the oldest surviving English epic, dates between the eighth and tenth centuries. Despite the 200-year span when the work could have been written, its subject matter relates to events that took place centuries before.In fact, the epic poem artistically captures the events of England’s Germanic origins. According to Norton Anthology editors, the poet, not only documented some historical facts but also succeeded in â€Å"reviving the heroic language style, and pagan world of ancient Germanic oral poetry, a world that was already remote to his contemporaries† (Norton Anthology Vol. 1, 29). The author, conjectured to be a Christian, manages to describe a pagan world, outside his everyday experience, thro ugh Christian allusions.Moreover, he does so by transcending language barriers. His text was composed in a dialect known as Marcia, while his references must have taken any number of while his references must have taken any number of lingual identities/backgrounds. In terms of its relative meaning Norton’s Anthology editors allege the text to be â€Å"†¦a remarkable and difficult work even in its own day† (Norton Anthology Vol. 1, 29), more so now given the limited information on Germanic oral epics.Secondly, as evidence of its sophistication, Beowulf is prolific with recognizable epic conventions, examples of Christian-pagan sympathy, and even creative linguistic ability. It is episodic and with only a brief history of the problems confronting the Danes, arguably begins in medias res. In fact, â€Å"†¦the poem turns on Beowulf’s three great fights against preternatural evil, which inhabits human society (Norton Anthology Vol. I, 30). The author succe ssfully develops a larger than life enemy for his hero to confront.He arguably aligns the hero Beowulf with a larger trajectory of magnanimous Christians, among them, the first and most notable, Jesus Christ. Still, epic conventions aside, the author employs rather sophisticated writing techniques. There is evidence he was a â€Å"wordsmith,† as the poem is prolific with â€Å"†¦hapax legomena – that is, words recorded only once in a language†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Norton Anthology Vol. I, 29). This suggests the writer was comfortable enough with linguistics to invent words, which more aptly captured his literary intent.In addition to his linguistic abilities, there is evidence the author of Beowulf knew how to manipulate poetic conventions. For example, his poem uses conventions common to oral poetry, like chiastic cyanghanedd in line 154 of the poem â€Å"nothing but war; how he would never,† which creates the consonant repetition of n/w/w/n (Norton Anthology Vo l. I, 35). Another example of the same technique is alternative cyanghanedd where he creates consonant repetition with line 126 of the poem, â€Å"then as dawn, brightened and the day broke,† d/b/d/b (Norton Anthology Vol.I, 35). Clearly the author is sophisticated enough a writer to emulate, in writing style, the ancient Germanic or Old English oral tradition of using certain patterns of consonants to remember lines. Finally, as further evidence of its sophistication Beowulf is written in such a manner that it allows readers to extrapolate meaning beyond the text. That is to say, figures like Beowulf’s three enemies could symbolize, in terms of Christian convention, Satan and/or his imps.In essence, these figures are non-corporeal and evidential of the author’s successful creation of figures, which transcend his age to have meaning for future Christian audiences. In addition, the author recreates in vivid detail, a world preceding his own and simultaneously lef t for future generations, a glimpse into the ancient Germanic world. Consequently, Beowulf is by no means crude when one considers the author of the work and its socio-historical background. Clearly, a sophisticated person, well read and educated on ancient German history and tradition and possessed of aesthetic ability wrote this poem.He deliberately sought to and succeeded in writing a timeless work, one that recreates a time centuries before his own while transcending, in terms of cultural relevance, any post-Christian age. In writing Beowulf, the author employs a number of techniques, which suggest a cosmopolitan viewpoint informed the work. Beowulf, complex and written by a refined author, is the antithesis of crude. Works Cited Anoymous. â€Å"Beowulf. † The Norton Anthology English Literature . Volume I. 7th edition. Ed. M. H. Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000. 29-99.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Introduction to entrepreneurship Midterm assignment Kevin Systrom, founder and CEO of Instagram Introduction Kevin Systrom is an American entrepreneur most known as CEO and founder of Instagram, the most popular worldwide sharing application. This program has 85 million users and 4 billion photos were shared. So what makes it so special? It is a combination of passion for photography and weal to make it easy and available for everyone by just using your mobile. Kevin says â€Å"It’s one thing to share the photo but another for that photo to look gorgeous and be something you would like to keep forever. †(Systrom,2012)The reason why I decide to report Kevin Systrom is in my opinion he gives the best example how great idea can be transformed into successful company in very limited amount of time. Second after completing my research I realized that innovation made by him would have huge influence on social network in future. Last but not least his set of mind, values and p ersonal characteristics fulfill my vision of perfect entrepreneurial set of mind. Entrepreneurial path and mind-set Kevin Systrom was interested in entrepreneurship from very young age; his mother used to work for a monster. com back than and currently is an employee of Zip Car.Since that time technology was exiting for him, he took decision to go to private school that was an hour drive away in order to take computer science classes, as he considered them fun and useful. With the age of 12 he found the way to block his friend cursors and knock them offline. In his free time Kevin was creating websites for his friends and classmates, an example can be PhotoBox created in order to post pictures from latest keg party. He applied to Stanford with the intent to study computer science, but after taking the first course in advance programing he realized it was probably not a right thing for him.He used to spend 40 hours per week studying it and could barely get B. So he switched to manage ment science. He says, â€Å"It basically taught me how to be an investment banker. †(Systrom,2012) What really stands out for me is Kevin,he is really open minded and ready to explore new things. He is always looking for opportunity to get some experience even if it doesn’t seem applicable at the moment he believes it can be useful in long-term perspective as long as you do intellectual activities. During his junior years in Stanford he went to Florence, Italy in order to study Photography.Combing this experience with his technological background helped him to create open platform for visual media, which gained such a success. Being in Florence he also applied for a program created for young entrepreneurs, the core idea of it put students in groups of 12 people and paired them with successful entrepreneurs in order to share experience about structure of deals, fundraising and recruitment of people. The program’s co-director, Tina Seelig, says, â€Å"Systrom st ood out as an obvious  ­entrepreneur, he was always building things—always experimenting.It was in his nature to be looking at the world through the lens of ‘Where’s the opportunity here? ’† (Bertani, 2012) He completed his first summer internship at Odeo (that would later create Twitter), it was where he realized that he wanted to become and entrepreneur and got the first real feel of it. During this internship an important contact was made, he was working in a pair with Jack Dorsey, later the creator of Twitter. In future he will help Instagram to gain that popularity. Once Systrom was hired for a project manager position at Google.After about a year working there he realized his hunger for a start up. Soon after he came up with the idea of Instagram, called Burbn back than. In winter 2010 Stanford education and his ability to communicate helped him to make right connections for the future. It is important to meet people, communicate and keep in touch, that what in the end really makes difference. Steve Anderson, whom he met during his VC meet ups, got interested in his idea and agreed to invest $250,000 needed to start the company with the only condition, he wanted Systrom to bring in cofounder.He contacted Mike Krieger, another Stanford graduate with a majored degree in symbolic system, and proposed to join Burbn as cofounder. Mike got interested in this offer. It was the first check in service that he actually liked, so he accepted the offer. Systrom was able to identify a gap in a market place; it was decided to create photo- only, mobile-based service. He says, â€Å"It was an opportunity to create a new type of service, a social network that wasn’t based on a computer but computer in your hands†(Systrom,2012) His creativity and ability to come up with not obvious decision were crucial for the company development.Once during his holidays in Mexico, his girlfriend told him she wanted her pictures to look a s beautiful as pictures of their friend, who was a fan of photography and used different filters. It was a point where Kevin realized what Instagram was missing and spent the rest of the day working on this idea. Not long after first filter was added to program features and users loved. It helped to make even average mobile picture special. On the 6th of October 2010 Instagram became available in apple app, over the night it was downloaded by 25,000 users.With a help of Adam D’Angelo, whom he knew from flat party in Stanford they managed to get on Amazon com servers. In a meter of month 1 million users were using Instagram on regular bases. In April this year Mark Zuckenberg offered to purchase Instagram for $1 billion, with Systrom’s skake of 40% or $400 million. It is quite shocking as Instagram is a company with zero revenue and only 14 employees, however Facebook is highly interested in a mobile platform with 85 millions users. â€Å"This is the first thing I†™ve seen that feels like it’s truly native to mobile,† says Matt Cohler, the former VP of product management at Facebook. Bertani, 2012) It was decided that even after buying out, Kevin Systrom would run Instagram independently. The company is at the beginning stage of its growth. It’s currently working only with AOS, but Android and web will also be considered in future. Failure and actions As company activities are based on innovation the risk of is failure is quite high. There is a myth that successful startups based on single great idea Kevin however claims that there are only couple that entered and ended up doing exactly same thing.Idea is not something you can just wake up one day with, you have to take steps, find solutions and solve problems in order to create something valuable. In fact the idea of Instagram is based on another application created by Systrom, called Burbn. It was really simple and basic with only four different tabs, created as check in service, the innovative thing about it was like no other service Burbn gave people an option to attach their photos together with a location. It was discovered users are not checking in that much however they love to share their pictures.Burbn didn’t become successful. It was too hard to explain to people outside their friend group. Kevin and his team even joked that it didn’t pass the Bar test, meaning the idea was not clear enough to be explained in a noisy bar. It is important to present your product to customer as quickly as possible; it is a big mistake to wait for too long. The â€Å"right way to fail† is to fail early and often, in this way you don’t waste your recourses and you are able to identify if the direction in which you are working is right to fulfill people’s needs.Kevin believes that it’s totally normal to fail in the organization. Failure is required in order for right solution to be found. When Burbn was presented to p eople it turned out to be most Eye opening experience and he realized the idea has to be refined. The company was continuously failing with Burbn, so based on this experience the idea was changed. The check in was demoted and photos were promoted, in a new program (Instagram) you start with a photo and then optionally you can add a location and it turn out to make a huge difference.During the process of development filters were added and it was a break through for Instagram, as they realized they want to make photos better for people. Kevin states, â€Å"We were thinking how to encourage people to take more photos and we realized we want their photos to look better†. (Systrom,2012) Motivation The main drive and motivation for Kevin Systrom is a strong belief in what he is doing. The company Instagram didn’t want to build just a fun application, what it is aiming for is an application that solves problems and making people’s life better.The idea of Instagram in l ong term is a program that helps you to explore the world, your way to get news and experience events you were not able to attend. The ability to tune in any place in the world and see what is going on. They want to become world-changing company. It is first truly International network, as you don’t need to speak the same language in order to communicate through visual media. The obsession with his idea is highly beneficial for the company. As entrepreneur he works all the time, sometimes he skips birthday parties and has luck of sleep in order to solve the problem that may appear.He is exited about what he is doing and always looking for solutions and ways how to give world something it was asking for during a long period of time. Conclusion The goal of this report was to research and analyze the entrepreneurial path of Kevin Systrom. And to find an answer what is a key to his success. Through the report I have learnt few important lessons that can be useful for my future ca reer. The first of them is you can fail in order to find the right answer, it is completely normal to make mistakes, what is more important is to be able to find solutions and ways to improve.Usually the idea you will start with it’s not going to be exactly the same with your final idea. Second thing that I would like to keep in mind after finishing this report is its importance to hire right people. With the example of Instagram we can see that 14 really talented people can run a company in such a successful way. As well it is critical to find people who share passion for what you are doing.Reference Bertoni, S. (2012, August, 01). Instagram's Kevin Systrom: The Stanford Billionaire Machine Strikes Again. Retrieved October,10,2012, from http://www. forbes. com/sites/stevenbertoni/2012/08/01/instagrams-kevin-systrom-the-stanford-millionaire-machine-strikes-again/4/ Kevin Systrom,Mike Krieger (2011,May 11). From Stanford to Startup [Video file] [Video file]. Retrieved October 10,2012, from http://ecorner. stanford. edu/authorMaterialInfo. html? mid=2735 Noer, M. (n. d. ). 30 under 30 [Video file] [Video file]. Retrieved from http://video. forbes. com/fvn/30-under-30/30-under-30-kevin-systrom/


DESCRIBE AN OBSTACLE YOU'VE OVERCOME AND HOW IT HAS DEFINED YOU - Personal Statement Example Meanwhile, a 35-year old woman came to the centre with a 5-year old child. The woman was very upset because her child was crying due to a muscle strain. She needed urgent help from me but I had no idea how to deal with such problems. At first, I decided to ask the woman to wait for the physician for an hour. But looking at the condition of her child, I decided to take the challenge and provide treatment to the child by myself. So I recalled the lectures which my professor gave me in the class regarding treatment of muscle strains. I started the treatment by applying ice 5 to 6 times on the child’s affected muscle to reduce the swelling and pain. After I was done with applying ice, I did gentle stretching of the child’s affected muscle. The treatment really worked as the child stopped crying and started walking easily. My physician appreciated my performance when I told him in detail about the incident. This experience played a great role in developing my interest in becoming a professional physician after earning a high-level degree in the field of medical science. This experience also helped me gain a lot of confidence and I started working with more dedication and enthusiasm at the health care

Monday, October 7, 2019

Outline and discuss the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) as means of Essay - 2

Outline and discuss the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) as means of valuing securities and their risk. What are the drawbacks - Essay Example The CAPM focuses on a single holding period and assumes the investors can borrow or lend at the risk free rate. There are no limits on short sales and all investors have homogenous estimates of return, risk, and variances. There are no taxes and transaction costs and all assets are highly liquid and marketable. The quantities of the assets are fixed and there is perfect market meaning investors cannot influence price and are price takers. The CAPM is based on the Capital Market line and the Security Market Line. The CML implies that all investors under the CAPM assumption must hold a combination of risk free securities and a market portfolio. If the market is in equilibrium the market portfolio will consist of every security in the same proportion as it is in the market. The CML specifies the relationship between an efficient market portfolio’s risk and return. CAPM focuses on individual securities as well and the SML defines the relationship between the risk and return of ind ividual securities which can be figured out by using the risk premium formula RPm = (km –krf) bm The required return on a specific stock according to CAPM would be the sum of the risk free rate and the product of the risk premium into beta. ... Beta is the relevant risk of an asset and is calculated as the gradient of the characteristic line which is the plotting of historical returns of an individual stock. Beta measures the volatility of returns compared to the volatility in the market. It is the measure of risk used in the SML whereas standard deviation is used as the market risk measure in CML. Although, CAPM has been used in security valuations its assumptions do not reflect a real market setting. As most investors in the real world do not hold fully diversified efficient portfolios, the beta would not be a sufficient measure of risk and SML would not be applicable for the required rates of return. As there are taxes and transaction costs in reality and assets have different degrees of liquidity this assumption does not hold true either. All investors do not have same forecasts of expected risk and return and they usually borrow according to their credit standing which is higher than the risk free rate. There is a disp arity in borrowing and lending rates which will distort the CML and thus the SML line. In many markets, large investors can influence price through buying and selling securities. Examples: Example 1: Krf= 6% Km=5% Beta for Kellogs foods is 1.2 Then the cost of equity would be = 6 + ( 6-5 ) 1.2 = 7.2 Example 2: The CAPM can be used to calculate the cost of common stock through the insertion of the risk free rate, expected market risk premium and the beta coefficient into the SML equation. For example: Krf= 8% Km=12% Beta for Kellogs foods is 1.2 Then the cost of equity would be = 8 + ( 12-8 ) 1.2 = 8 + 4.8 = 12.8 % The required return on Kellog’s stock would be 12.8%, 0.8% greater than the market return as its beta is greater than 1. However, due to

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Accounting and Finance will send you fquestions file Essay - 1

Accounting and Finance will send you fquestions file - Essay Example s that both the companies are efficient in utilizing their capital and equity to generate sufficient profits despite the fact that Wimbledon has a higher ratio than Kensington. The Net Profit Margin and Gross Profit ratio of Kensington are higher than that of Wimbledon. To make it worse, the ratios of Wimbledon are below the industry averages (Bull, 2008). The total assets turnover and non-current assets of Wimbledon is higher than that of Kensington. The ratio of Kensington was lower than the industrial averages. This implies that Wimbledon is efficient in utilizing its total assets and non-current assets to generate sufficient revenue. Apart from receivables collection period of Wimbledon being below the industrial averages, it is also below that of Kensington (Tennent, 2008). This shows that Wimbledon is very efficient in collecting its debts. The Inventory holding period follows the same trend as the receivables collection period. This reveals that Wimbledon is efficient in converting its inventory since it holds them for a short period (Berman, Knight and Case, 2013). The current ratio and decisive test ratio of both the two companies are below the industrial averages. This is despite the fact the current ratio of the two companies are above the one implying that both the two companies can at least service their current obligations with their current assets. The debt-equity of Wimbledon is below both that of Kensington and the industrial average implying that it is not heavily geared (Barrow and Barrow, 2008). Considering the above analysis, it is highly advisable that Chelsea Plc. should acquire Wimbledon than Kensington company since it has financial ratios indicate better financial performance. The directors of Chelsea Plc. should consider other information such as cash flow statements and company policy before of the two companies before making their final

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Lorem Ipsum Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lorem Ipsum Paper - Coursework Example Nulla ac arcu non augue congue pulvinar. Sed ut libero lacus, vel varius nisl. Phasellus sit amet tempus nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris eu magna ipsum, quis vehicula ante. Nam blandit blandit arcu ut faucibus. Donec erat velit, vehicula vel fringilla at, pretium nec dui. Aenean velit mauris, fermentum vitae sagittis eu, elementum eu nisl. Pellentesque nisi velit, cursus non sollicitudin ut, euismod eu odio. Fusce ultrices lorem vel nibh volutpat ac pulvinar sem pretium. Aliquam scelerisque aliquet ipsum, vitae luctus turpis rutrum vel. Proin eu lectus velit, vitae aliquam elit. Etiam in massa quam. â€Å"The name ’Bluetooth’ reflects the Scandinavian origins of the technology1. It is named after a 10th century Danish viking, King Harald Blatand (translating as 'Bluetooth' in English). He united and controlled Denmark and Norway, hence the association of uniting devices through Bluetooth. Legend has i t that he liked eating blueberries - so much that his teeth became stained with the colour of the fruit, giving rise to his name!† (Stucken, 2010) Sed euismod, ipsum pretium congue fermentum, nibh est blandit lacus, a venenatis magna mi eget nibh. Mauris accumsan, dui vitae aliquet dapibus, enim dui vestibulum velit, vel rhoncus metus urna sed neque. Quisque rhoncus lorem at felis blandit vestibulum interdum erat pellentesque. Donec eget felis nisi, et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae velit sed augue lobortis consequat. Mauris at euismod dolor. Etiam condimentum ullamcorper faucibus. Vivamus viverra, metus sit amet porta pharetra, augue diam molestie erat, in euismod turpis lacus non enim. Mauris eget sapien orci. Praesent sit amet nibh dui. Phasellus non dignissim lectus. Fusce faucibus erat et mi varius rhoncus. Equation 1: Population mean 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi scelerisque, turpis sit amet rutrum porttitor, dui elit pulvinar augue, quis ve hicula eros massa non augue. Duis ac tellus at nulla consectetur viverra. Fusce vehicula mauris eget dolor molestie tincidunt. Duis sollicitudin sem vel dui malesuada facilisis. Suspendisse convallis auctor risus, eget mattis ipsum eleifend sit amet. Maecenas dictum dui at metus suscipit scelerisque. Donec sed est eu neque dictum gravida sed vitae tellus. Maecenas vitae nisl eget justo ultrices ornare. Vivamus lectus elit, ultrices in cursus in, malesuada ac tellus. Ut vel fermentum sem. Maecenas ullamcorper odio vitae justo consectetur tristique. The technology, named after a 1000 year old king of Denmark, is one of its kinds (Mitchell, 2012). Curabitur blandit, nunc eu ornare pulvinar, eros urna auctor nisl, nec ornare dui ipsum id tellus. Morbi lobortis congue diam at imperdiet. Phasellus tempus tincidunt justo id feugiat. Proin sit amet nisi lacus, vel facilisis turpis. In molestie sagittis ullamcorper. Donec at dui erat. Donec luctus interdum malesuada. Ut tincidunt sollicitudi n massa quis suscipit. Suspendisse quis augue eget mi aliquet ornare at vitae est. Mauris lobortis turpis pharetra metus commodo sed viverra neque facilisis. Curabitur lobortis dolor dui, sed semper nisl. Pellentesque condimentum quam et erat imperdiet ultricies blandit est rutrum. Ut pulvinar augue in velit pellentesque ornare at quis ligula. Curabitur vitae molestie lacus. Nunc interdum orci nec nulla tincidunt consectetur. Vivamus scelerisque accumsan quam, et suscipit mauris rutrum id. Proin malesuada, lacus nec